MT Invictus' Web Services

Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI's)


URI Syntax Diagram
Figure #: URI Syntax Diagram.

URI Resolvers

{ /cgi-bin/uri-res/ , /uri-res/ }

tag: URI Scheme

URI Syntax Diagram
Figure #: tag: URI Syntax Diagram.

{ Generally, when the authorityInfo as a user email address belongs to the owner of the email address }

{ Although RFC 4151 states that tag: URIs are distinct from most other URIs in that they have no authoritative resolution mechanism, and may be used purely as an entity identifier [citation needed], MT Invictus' URI resolvers will, if possible, resolve a tag under its domain. } tags

{ These tags are exclusively used to tag accounting basis documents. },YYYY-MM-DD:nnn…

{ Where YYYY, MM, DD and nnn } and tags

{ These tags are exclusively used to tag organization assets. },YYYY-MM-DD:nnn…

{ Where YYYY, MM, DD and nnn } tags,YYYY:nnn…18CC tags,YYYY:nnn…24CC

urn: URI Scheme

URI Syntax Diagram
Figure #: URN Syntax Diagram.

NID's include:

web+*: URI Schemes

web+ schemes start with the four characters “web+” and are followed by one or more letters in the range a-z. It effectively namespaces web-based protocols from other, potentially less web-secure, protocols. Any Web page is able to register a handler for all “web+” schemes. As such, these schemes must not be used for features intended to be core platform features (e.g. network transfer protocols like HTTP or FTP). Similarly, such schemes must not store confidential information in their URLs, such as usernames, passwords, personal information, or confidential project names.

This convention is not associated with the registration of any new scheme but is currently a requirement as well as convention for non-whitelisted web-based protocols.

web+barcode: URI Scheme


Query Strings


ix Input

ox Output

a Generic Action

e Generic Encoding

f Generic Format

{ A media type (formerly known as MIME type) is a two-part identifier for file formats and format contents transmitted on the Internet. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is the official authority for the standardization and publication of these classifications. It has the following format: }


If subtype is unique, type can be omitted.

l Generic Language

n Generic Count

{ In mathematics, the italic form n is a particularly common symbol for a variable quantity which represents a natural number. In statistics, it represents the sample size. }

q Generic Query

sz Generic Size

ts Generic Timestamp

{ A common use of the ts field is to make an URL unique to prevent caching. }

MT Invictus web apps should as far as possible not throw errors or warnings if they encounter ts fields in requests and they don't use it.

u Generic URL


Object Notation

{ Use dot notation whenever possible for objects, bracket notation for arrays, and numeric indices for the latter. }

{ If empty brackets occur at the end of a variable name, ///. If they occur in the middle, /// }

References and Further Reading